Project North: Hockey sticks, gloves, skates, baseball bats, any and all sports gear that you and your kids can part with - please donate to Project North!!!!
While researching and photographing Nunavut and Nunavik for an upcoming book, local photographer and philanthropist Michelle Valberg and veteran writer Joan Weinman came up with the idea of collecting sports equipment for the children who live in these communities. Ottawa Police Chief Vern White, Ottawa Senators' Chris Phillips, 67's owner Jeff Hunt, Ottawa Citizen Publisher Jim Orban, and many other community partners are rallying to collect as much 'gently used' sports gear as possible by Sept 11th, after which it will be flown (courtesy of Adventure Canada) to our northern communities and put directly in the hands of Inuit children. You can drop off the sports gear at any Ottawa Fire Department station, Canadian Tire (Coventry Road or Carling Ave), as well as Valberg Imaging, 322 Richmond Road.
So let's all check those tucked-away boxes in the basement, grab the hockey sticks in the garage that the kids have out-grown, maybe even venture into the back of your kids' closets where you might find a baseball glove that hasn't seen a ball diamond in a year or two....
please donate it to Project North. For more info, check