(above) my incredible dining room at the Albert at Bay Hotel, official hotel for my amazing Cisco Ottawa Bluesfest Marathon. You just can't get any closer to Bluesfest! Thank you so much to the Albert at Bay staff for the spacious suite, the Presidents Choice peanut butter and chocolate ice cream bars, and of course the pogos. In this photo, I am dining on a pogo fresh from the oven. mmmmmmmm
Bluesfest has been one highlight after the other! The tally for the first six days: 22 or 23 shows- each one unique and exciting, seeing bands that I've always loved, discovering new talent (well, new to me) like the incredible Grupo Fantasmo, Kings Go Forth and Basia Bulat, just to name a few. The Moody Blues were a trip back in time. And how to describe the very psychedelic and wonderful assault that was the Flaming Lips! Courtenay Love and Hole surprised everyone- the B-52's tore up the crowd and Joan Jett was just what the blues-natics needed on a hot Friday night. Metric was mesmerizing. Difficult decisions were plentiful too- should we see John Hiatt and Levon Helm, or Rush- in the end, seeing a bit of everything was possible. Aahhh.....six more days of pure music bliss!! Time to charge the batteries in my camera......

(above) Alex Lifeson, Rush

(above) Geddy Lee, Rush

(above) The Moody Blues

(above) John Hiatt

(above) volunteers 'flash mob' dance sequence to AC DC

(above) Roger Hodgson


(more Metric)


(above) Basia Bulat

(Kings Go Forth)

(above) B-52's