It is Christmas morning and I just read this note from one of our listeners. I wanted to share it with everyone:
'The Greatest Gift'
"Not sure why i am writing this to you, maybe because I need to tell someone. I was at work Friday and I lost my wallet which contained 800 dollars. The security guards looked all over the mall for it. It was eventually recovered minus the 800 dollars. You are probably wondering why this is a good thing? Well I guess while the security guards were looking they mentioned what they were doing to the girls who worked at second cup. This kind woman came downstairs and brought me a cookie and I told her that I had not bought my daughters gifts yet and now i couldn't. This was a job I just began and Dec 24 was my first paycheque. She wished me well and left. Later in the day she and a co-worker came back and explained to me that all the girls got together and decided to give me their tips from the day to give my daughter the christmas she deserved. I tried to refuse but they were insistent. Now this was totally remarkable to me because I have had a very hard life and it has made me synical and taught me not to trust anyone or what their motives may be. No one has ever done anything like this for me and truth be told I never believed these selfless and generous people existed.
So, if you could send a special thank you to the second cup girls in L'esplinade Laurier I would apreciate it. This is what Christmas is suppose to be about and without them my daughter would not have had a Christmas at all. I am a changed person from this. They, for the first time, have made me a believer that there is good in people, excluding the guy who actually took the money.'
Happy Holidays
Olly's Fresco
Merry Christmas to you and your family Tina, and to the girls at Second Cup in L'Esplanade Laurier. And to everyone!