Memories. They are all I have now.
This is me, w-a-a-y back in July. During the days of Bluesfest, staying at the Albert at Bay Hotel, eating pogos whenever my heart desired. If you look closely, that is in fact a pogo on my plate. I think I had already put the mustard on it.
Back then, on those hot summer Bluesfest days, I wore a size medium top. A different one every day. But always size medium. Today, almost 6 months later, all my size medium tops are waiting for better days, when I can actually fit into them again. I have graduated from 'medium', to 'melarge'. Melarge is the size between medium and large, that doesn't really exist in stores. But more on that another day. So yesterday I started my new diet. Or, 'lifestyle choice', for those who prefer that term. I think that's what Oprah calls it. I refer to it, as the 'Delicious Diet'. Which means, if its delicious, I don't eat it. Unfortunately, pogos are delicious. I have 20 to 25 pounds to lose before the Humane Society Fur Ball, March 26th. In the meantime, if anyone knows where I can find some clothes in size 'melarge', let me know. Thanks