Monday, November 28, 2005

U2 U-phoria

After waiting months and months and months, U2 finally came to town Friday night. One of the ways that I rate a concert, is by ‘the day after’ factor. If I’m still re-living the show throughout the next day, that means it was, in my humble opinion, pretty great. As I write this, three days later, I’m still buzzing about U2’s awesome assault on our city. The moment Bono appeared – in what seemed like the middle of the crowd of adoring fans – we all knew we were in for one of those rare concert experiences. ‘The City of Blinding Lights’, the show opener, is one of the tracks on U2’s most recent album. With a body of work that goes back 25 years, it would have been all too easy for U2 to start the show with a mega hit from the past: a nod to nostalgia, an easy way to have the crowd eating out of the palm of their hands. But that is what sets U2 apart. U2 is still vital, still writing, recording, and performing new songs, still finding new ways to impress the toughest critics. This past Friday night, U2 raised the bar once again. Today’s new bands should study the phenomenon that is the U2 concert. This is how you do it!! Ottawa waited 20 years for the return of Bono and the boys. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say it was well worth the wait. Now….let’s see……who else can we convince to come to town………..

I’d also like to congratulate the many volunteers from the Make Poverty History Campaign, who were out in full force at the U2 concert. 18,000 concert-goers were made aware of your important message to end poverty in this country and around the world. For more details,

I’ve actually started my Christmas shopping! This is the earliest date yet for me to head out to the malls in earnest. And I’ve purchased a few things. So far, while out Christmas shopping, I’ve bought myself two sweaters and a pair of jeans. I love Christmas shopping!

I bought a big can of peanuts the other day. Not sure exactly why, but I decided to check the label to see how many calories were in a peanut. The answer: a lot. Sheesh. I’m glad that I checked the label so closely, because also printed on the sign of the can was: ‘Caution. May contain peanuts’.

In time for Christmas, I have once again put myself on the ‘delicious’ diet. When I’m at a party and someone offers me an hors d’oeuvre, I ask them if its delicious. If they say ‘why yes, it is very delicious’, then I don’t eat it. Because if its delicious, it is loaded with calories. So then I ask the hostess if she has anything that isn’t delicious. So far, no one has provided me with that at a party. I, on the other hand, am only too happy to offer guests food that is not delicious.

Every year, I look forward to all the latest products that come out in the world of Christmas decorations. This year, it’s the giant snow-globe on the front lawn. So far I’ve seen two different snow-globes, one with two snowmen and one with Santa and a reindeer. I’m still waiting for the giant Niagara Falls snow-globe.