Thursday, July 19, 2007

Everyone Loves A Good Mime Artist

Fans of Bruce Springsteen, it’s the news we’ve all been waiting for!’s the rumour we’ve all been waiting for. According to, the official fan site for ‘the Boss’ (which he fully endorses) , rumour has it that Bruce is going to have a new album out in the fall WITH the ‘E Street Band’ (yay!!!) and a North American tour will follow! I know people who have seen Bruce Springsteen in concert about 150 times. I feel like a novice, having seen the Boss only around 26 times. I used to have a lot of the concert ticket stubs in my purse, but my purse was stolen in Montreal so the thief has them now. He’s probably bragging about being at those Bruce Springsteen shows, showing his friends the ticket stubs. What a liar.

I’m glad to see that the new concert festival site, LeBreton Flats, is going to be used for more than Bluefest shows. The Scorpions are playing at LeBreton Flats at the end of August! I’ve never seen the Scorpions but they have a huge following. And if people were complaining about the noise at Bluesfest…………

Bob’s ‘Movies on the Beach’ is back at Westboro Beach on Friday July 27th and the movie, as chosen by Bob’s listeners, will be ‘Planet of the Apes’. The original 1968 version with Charleton Heston. Critics still say that this movie has one of the best endings of all time. It is a bit of a surprise ending. I won’t give it away if you haven’t seen the movie. It involves Suzanne Pleshette. Just kidding.

It’s the middle of July and I was at a store today looking for a pair of shorts. I was pretty happy to see that the shorts were on sale! Half price! But then I saw why. They needed room for the new fall and winter clothes coming in. Its July!!! I haven’t even taken the snow brush out of my car yet from last winter.

There’s a mime in the byward market who has had the same shtick for years now. He arrives at his spot on George Street, then uses the reflection of a store-front window to apply white paint all over his face. Then he stands really still, while grasping onto a badminion racquet. Or maybe it’s a squash racquet, I’m not really sure. He stands there like a statue, holding the racquet in mid-swing. Doesn’t move. Except I’ve seen him break for snacks or lunch, or just walk around to loosen up his legs. I don’t know how much money he makes standing like a statue holding a badminton racquet. I hope he makes enough to afford a birdie and a net someday.