This is a diagram of a cat in a harness. Looks fairly simple, doesn't it. This is called the 'Come With Me Kitty' harness and bungee leash. My introduction to the 'Come With Me Kitty' began yesterday, 2 days after our cat Kitty moved into his new home. Our 2 dogs, Molly and Hudson, have settled into the new house fairly well. It only took Hudson three days and umpteen treats to navigate the shiny floors, which he had a major problem with. And Molly loves the new floor-to-ceiling window by the front door, as she can now bark at absolutely everything that goes by. People, squirrels, the cable guy, a leaf blowing in the wind. Or, nothing at all is fun too. But back to the 'Come With Me Kitty'. First off, I thought it was quite a coincidence that this product actually shares the same name as our cat, Kitty. Anyway, Kitty came to us as a stray, so trying to make him an 'indoor cat' has been a lesson in futility. We have now moved into a neighbourhood where I am determined to keep him close, so I thought we would try the best of both worlds. He could go outside, but I would walk him. I had visions of me, the two dogs, and the cat, going for late afternoon leisurely strolls, waving at the neighbours, stopping to let small children pet my well behaved trio. So yesterday we took 'Come With Me Kitty' harness and bungee leash out of its abundant packaging and I went to scoop up Kitty from behind the washing machine. He's decided that is the best spot in the new house. Rob and I unfolded the step by step instructions on how to put a harness on your cat, which is no less complex than assembling a gas barbeque. With me holding Kitty, Rob struggled to put his furry head (Kitty's head, not Rob's) through strap 'A', his front legs through strap 'B', uh oh, too many straps, what's this clip for, why is the bungee leash protruding from between his back legs, quick get the instructions, uh oh Kitty's not happy, yikes, hurry put this clip into that clip, how can Kitty twist his body that fast? Final outcome: My cheek vs one protruding Kitty claw, nice long scratch on my face, Kitty is safe and sound behind the washing machine and the 'Come With Me Kitty' is hanging up in the closet. Maybe today I'll just take him for a drive.