Go, Bo, go! Bo Bice on American Idol has made it to the final two, and I want him to win, but I have mixed feelings about it. If he wins, thats great for his career. Or is it? Because the minute an American Idol is chosen, they get handed the worst piece of shlock song and they have to go out and belt it out as the credits roll. I’m having trouble seeing Bo the rocker sing that inevitable schmaltz tune on stage, much less have to release it as his first single. All that aside, my vote is for Bo! I just hope his first single doesn’t end up in a tv commercial for womens products.
Yahoo! Its the first long weekend of unofficial summer. The tulip festival concert line-up is jammed all weekend long. I saw the Sadies the other night at Majors Hill Park and you know, for my money, you just can’t beat some of the lyrics that come out of alt-country bands. Here’s how one song started: “I saw two three-legged dogs that reminded me of you because you’re six feet underground’. If you’re checking out some of the bands this weekend, whatever you do, don’t stand in front of someone who’s plunked down their lawn chair for the night. I speak from experience! Sheesh.
Its cottage season once again! Remember to practice safe boating. Make sure your boat has a flashlight, a rope, some flares and a horn. And if you’re waterskiing, always ensure you have a spotter in the boat to keep their eye on the skier. And one more piece of advice: do not stuff an old pair of boots and pants and a shirt with newspaper to create a human form topped off with a basketball for a head and a wig and a baseball cap , then place this figure in the back of your boat to look like a spotter. Because one day, you will get a fine for doing that. Don’t ask me how I know.
Have an awesome long weekend