May 9, 2005
The warm weather is finally here and for me, that means I’m back in the garden. And in my neighbourhood, it also means the black flies are back. The other day while digging up everything that died over the winter, I swallowed two black flies. Mmmm...taste like chicken!
I recently checked in with one of my favourite websites, Not only do they keep us up to date with the whereabouts of ‘Bat Boy’, in the last installment they featured the world’s funniest store slogans. Here are some: On a sign outside a tire shop: ‘Invite us to your next blowout’. The slogan for a New York gynecologist: ‘Dr Jones, at your cervix’. A radiator repair shop in Ohio: ‘ this is a great place to take a leak’. And my personal favourite, this sign outside a sex change surgeon’s office in Illinois: ‘Eat, Drink and Be Mary’. If you see any weird signs, let me know!
Have you been watching ‘The American Race’? This season, I don’t care who wins, as long as its not Rob and Amber. How can Rob go into an airport anywhere in the world and tell the ticket agent not to sell flights to the other contestants? And he seems to get away with it! This couple has a horse-shoe sticking out where the sun don’t shine. I half expect that Rob and Amber could actually saunter up to the month-old line-up of Star Wars fans waiting to see ‘Revenge of the Sith’ next week, and somehow get first in line.
Not sure how I feel about ‘the Gleibermans’ possible return to the Ottawa Renegades organization. JR’s buddy spotted Lonnie Gleiberman the other day in downtown Ottawa wearing a suit, riding his 10 speed bike with a back-pack on. Not sure what that says about a potential owner of our football team. I hope the Renegades work it all out, because I would have nowhere to go with my big red horn and giant foam finger.
Bye for now!