Sunday, October 16, 2005

its never dull with a Humunga Tongue!

Thank you to one of our wonderful listeners, Nathalie Cox, for sending me the link to a pretty amusing website. Its This website is a tip of the hat to men who are dull, and lovin’ it! Dull men truly embrace their dullness. On this website, you’ll find: 61 pictures of picnic tables. Someone’s lawn mowing diary. Eight pages dedicated to the topic of ‘banning creosote’. And a father’s conversation about ‘rust’ with his son. Check it out for yourself. Not sure if there’s a similar website for dull women. If so, let me know. I’ll post something about one of my favourite topics, ‘zip loc bags’.

Fantastic news for those of us who are fascinated by weather. You know you’re in the club if you watch more than five hours of ‘The Weather Network’ each week, and you know the names of at least three of the Weather Network broadcasters. Anyway, its finally here! The new 2006 Environment Canada Weather Trivia Calendar! Why wait til 2006! Pick it up now and enjoy tidbits of information about weather that will make you a much more interesting person, especially at parties! (see, I told you, there should be a ‘dull women’ website!) I do admit to spending an alarming amount of time staring up into the sky.

I came across something on the internet that could be a great gift (Christmas?) for any dog owner. The website is The product is called ‘the Humonga Tongue’. It’s a red rubber ball with a giant red rubber tongue attached to it. You give it to your dog, and naturally your dog puts the ball in his/her mouth right away, wags its tail and wants nothing more than to play with this ball forever. The funny part is, while the dog has the ball in his/her mouth, the giant tongue part sticks w-a-a-y out. It looks like your dog has a 12 inch tongue. And the dog doesn’t care if you laugh, he’s having a great time with the ball so he’s not uncomfortable in any way. This makes ‘Humonga Tongue’ a much better product than doggie reindeer antlers, which I think dogs hate. If you ever see a photo of a dog wearing reindeer antlers, they always look really embarrassed.

Fans of ‘Rock Star INXS’…something cool to look forward to! Tara Sloan, one of the contestants on the show, will be in town this Friday. Tara will perform Friday at noon at the LCBO , Rideau at King Edward, a celebration called ‘Whisky Rocks’. Tara will join us in the studio, on ‘the Morning After’ on 939 BOB FM around 7:30 Friday morning. If you have any questions for Tara, send me an e-mail!

Getting tickets to the U2 show in Ottawa seems to be about as hard as, oh, I don’t know, maybe getting tickets to the Superbowl or the 2006 Olympic gold medal hockey game in Torino Italy. I’ve lived in Ottawa my entire life and I’ve never seen this kind of furor over one event! All the more reason to keep listening to 939 BOB FM, because this Friday is U2 Day – all day – 6 to 6 – we give away one pair of U2 tickets an hour. The contest is called ‘Who Do You Want to Take to U2’? and all the details are right here on our website. If you haven’t entered yet, do it right now!

I tested ‘spray on tan’ in a bottle the other day, just on my left arm to see what would happen. Thank you to the listeners who called to warn me that I should thoroughly wash my hands after rubbing the fake tan stuff onto myself. So I did. Hours later, I had quite a nice brownish-orangish left arm! Except the color stops quite abruptly at my wrist, and my left hand is still very white. Good thing its long-sleeve season!