‘Baby Hit Me One More Time’! Nope, not a Britney Spears song, well ok, I guess it is, but its also the name of NBC’s new reality show, where ‘one hit wonders’ get one more shot at fame and....hmmm....not sure what. I can understand Tiffany being a one hit wonder, and maybe Flock of Seagulls, but I take issue with Loverboy being considered a one hit wonder. ‘The Kid is Hot Tonight’ , ‘Everybody’s Workin’ for the Weekend’, the list goes on! When I first heard about this show I wondered about the phone call from NBC to ‘Flock of Seagulls’....’Hi there this is so-and-so from NBC and we’d like you to be part of our reality show for one hit wonders, are you in? Hell, yes!
I went through Almonte the other day and had to stop for gas. The gas station owner took one look at me and said, ‘You’re not from around these parts, are you’? I drove away wondering what he meant by that. I know that Almonte is ‘west’ of Ottawa, but I hardly thought I was driving through the wild west.
The CHEO telethon is on this weekend on CJOH TV, 7 pm Saturday night til 7 pm Sunday night. We are so incredibly lucky to have such a fine facility here in our hometown. Please take a moment to make a pledge and help our tiny tots.
Thank you to the homeless man who approached me in the Byward Market the other day and gave me a lilac. He asked me to have it because he said it was such a beautiful day and he felt great. Its in a glass of water on my window-sill, and its still beautiful. Ain’t life grand!